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Darla Testino
INDIECLOUT founder, Darla Testino, started playing instruments as a young child. She learned violin, guitar, bass, piano, and even got some singing experience through musical theatre. Her lifelong passion for music lead her to pursue a career in the music industry. So, at 18 years old, she left her small, rural New Hampshire hometown to attend college in California. There, at University of the Pacific, she majored in Music Industry Studies where she focused on learning audio engineering with the goal of becoming a recording engineer and music producer. She graduated with her bachelor’s degree in May of 2021.
During Testino’s semester abroad in 2019, she had the amazing opportunity to intern at a recording studio in Shanghai, China. After befriending some of the bands that she recorded, she noticed there was a common problem among the indie musicians in the big city and her friends back home in New Hampshire: it’s really hard to get press. Getting press is essential because it gives artists’ music career momentum, and it is especially important for new indie artists. This inspired Testino to start her own music review blog to support the indie music community that she loves.
Testino currently lives in Seoul, South Korea. She aims to use her knowledge of music recording, artist management, and first-hand experiences of the indie music scenes in America, China, and South Korea to create a global & cultural music bridge.